Main_Input Namelists

This page provides a quick reference for all support main_input namelist variables.


This namelist is used to specify the grid.


Number of radial points in model grid


Radius of the inner domain boundary, \(r_\mathrm{min}\)


Radius of the outer domain boundary, \(r_\mathrm{max}\)






Number of theta points in the model grid, \(N_\theta\)


Truncation degree \(\ell_\mathrm{max}\) used in the spherical harmonic expansion




Number of MPI ranks within each row of the 2-D process grid


Number of MPI ranks within each column of the 2-D process grid


Comma-separated list indicating number of Chebyshev polynomials used in each radial subdomain (e.g., 16, 32, 16). Default: n_r [ single domain]


Comma-separated list indicating number of Chebyshev modes dealiased to zero. Default is 2/3 ncheby.


The domain bounds defining each Chebyshev subdomain


Number of uniformly-sized Chebyshev domains spanning the depth of the shell. Default: 1


When set to .true., each chebyshev subdomain will possess the same radial extent. Default: .false.

Numerical Controls

This namelist provides access to Rayleigh’s run-time optimization options.


For use with models employing at least three Chebyshev domains. In those models, the rows of the normally dense matrices used in the Crank-Nicolson scheme may be rearranged into a block-banded form. Setting this variable to .true. will perform this rearrangement, and Rayleigh will execute a band, rather than dense, solve during each timestep. Using the band-solve approach can help save memory and may yield performance gains. No benefit is gained for models using one or two Chebyshev domains. The default behavior is to use a dense solve (band_solve = .false.).


When set to .true., buffer space used during Rayleigh’s transposes is allocated once at runtime. The default behavior (static_tranpose=.false.) is to allocate and deallocate buffer space during each transpose. On some machines, avoiding this cycle of allocation/deallocation has led to minor performance improvements.


When set to .true., sphericalbuffer configurations (e.g., p3a, s2b) are allocated once at runtime. The default behavior (static_config=.false.) is to save memory by deallocating memory associated with the prior configuration space following a transpose. If memory is not an issue, this may lead to minor performance improvements on some systems.


When set to .true., transpose buffers are padded throughout with zeros to enforce uniform message size, and a standard alltoall is used for each transpose. The default behavior (pad_alltoall=.false.) uses alltoallv and variable message sizes. Depending on the underlying alltoall algorithms in the MPI implementation used, performance my differ between these two approaches.

Physical Controls

This namelist controls the physical effects used in a Rayleigh simulation.


When set to .true., the MHD approximation is employed. The default (magnetism=.false.) is to omit the effects of magnetism.


When set to .false., all nonlinear terms are omitted in the model. The default (nonlinear=.true.) is to include those terms.


When set to .false., \(\boldsymbol{v}\cdot\boldsymbol{\nabla}\boldsymbol{v}=0\). This flag is primarily for debugging purposes. The default value is .true.


When set to .false., the material derivative of velocity is omitted (\(\frac{D\boldsymbol{v}}{Dt}=0\)). This option is primarily intended for mantle convection models. The default value is .true.


When set to .true., the Coriolis term is included in the momentum equation. The default behavior is to omit rotation in a Rayleigh model (rotation = .false.).


Set this debugging/development flag to .false. to disable the Lorentz force. Default value is .true., but this flag is ignored entirely when magnetism = .false.


Determines whether viscous heating is included in the thermal energy equation. Default value is .true. Note that the user-supplied value of this variable is ignored entirely for Boussinesq models run with reference_type = 1. In those models, viscous_heating is set to .false.


Determines whether ohmic heating is included in the thermal energy equation. Default value is .true. Note that the user-supplied value of this variable is ignored entirely for Boussinesq models run with reference_type = 1. In those models, ohmic_heating is set to .false.


Determines whether the reference-state entropy is advected. The default is .true. When set to .false., the \(v_r\frac{\partial\overline{S}}{\partial r}\) term is omitted in the thermal energy equation. Note that this variable has no impact on models with an adiabatic background state.


When set to a positive value in the interval [1,4], an accuracy benchmark will be performed. The default is 0 (no benchmarking). Boussinesq benchmarks are peformed for values of 1 (nonmagnetic) and 2 (magnetic). Anelastic benchmarks are performed if benchmark_mode has a value of 3 (nonmagnetic) or 4 (magnetic).


Determines the interval (in timesteps) between successive benchmark snapshot analyses.


Determines the interval (in timesteps) between successive benchmark report outputs. Each output contains an average over all benchmark snapshot analyses performed since the previous report.

Temporal Controls

This namelist controls timing, time-stepping, and checkpointing in Rayleigh.


Determines the value of \(\alpha\) used in the Crank-Nicolson semi-implicit time-stepping scheme employed for linear terms. The default value is 0.5, which ensures second-order accuracy of the algorithm. A value of 1 (0) describes a fully implicit (explicit) algorithm.


Maximum number of timesteps for which to evolve a single instance of Rayleigh before exiting the program. Note that this value does not describe the maximum number of timesteps a model can be run for. Instead, it determines the maximum number of timesteps Rayleigh will run for during a given session (i.e. following a single call to mpiexec/mpirun). The default value is 1,000,000.


Maximum walltime (in minutes) for which to run a single instance of Rayleigh before exiting. As with max_iterations, this is specific to a given Rayleigh session. Default is \(10^8\) minutes (essentially, unlimited).


The maximum time, in simulation units, for which to evolve a Rayleigh model. Restarting a model that has already reached this limit will result in running for a single time step before exiting. The default is effectively unlimited, with a value of \(10^{20}\).


When set to .true. (default), Rayleigh will checkpoint before exiting normally. Note that this generally occurs when the maximum time or iterations is reached. This does not apply when a job is terminated by the MPI job scheduler.


Number of iterations between successive checkpoint outputs. Default value is -1 (no checkpointing).


(deprecated) Same as checkpoint_interval.


Number of iterations between successive quicksave outputs. Default value is -1 (no quicksaves).


Number of quicksave slots (i.e., rapid, rolling checkpoint folders) to use for a given simulation. Default value is 3.


Time in minutes between successive quicksaves. If this variable is set to a positive value (default is -1), the value of quicksave_interval will be ignored.


The maximum allowed time step. This value will respected even when if the CFL constraint admits a larger time-step size. Default value is 1.0.


The minimum allowable time step. If the CFL contraint forces a time-step size that falls below this value, Rayleigh will exit.


Used for adaptive timestep control. Rayleigh ensures that the time-step size never falls below \(cflmin\times t_{CFL}\), where \(t_{CFL}\) is the minimum timestep allowed by the CFL constraint. The default value is 0.4.


Used for adaptive timestep control. Rayleigh ensures that the time-step size never exceeds \(\mathrm{cflmax}\times t_\mathrm{CFL}\), where \(t_\mathrm{CFL}\) is the minimum timestep allowed by the CFL constraint. The default value is 0.6.


If desired, a simulation’s iteration numbers may be reset upon restarting from a checkpoint. Set this value to the new iteration number to use (must be greater than zero), and the old iteration number contained in the checkpoint file will ignored. The default value is 0.

IO Controls

This namelist provides various options to control Rayleigh’s input and output cadence and structure.


If desired, set this variable to the name of a file to which Rayleigh’s text output is redirected. This can be useful for monitoring run progress and time-step size on systems that otherwise don’t produce the text output until a run has complete. The default value is ‘nofile,’ which indicates that Rayleigh should not redirect stdout to a file.


Number of lines to cache before writing to the stdout_file if used. This prevents excessive disk access while a model is evolving. The default value if 50.


Set this variable to the name of a file, generated during Rayleigh’s initialization, that contains the values assigned to each namelist variable, along with compiler and Git hash information. The default filename is ‘jobinfo.txt’


The name of a file that, if found in the top-level simulation directory, indicates Rayleigh should terminate execution. This can be useful when trying to exit a run cleanly before the scheduled wall time runs out. The default filename is ‘terminate’.


Number of iterations between successive checks for the presence of the job termination file. The default value is 50.


Number of iterations between successive outputs to sdout indicating time step number and size. The default value is 1, so that iteration number and time-step size are printed during every time step.


Determines the number of process columns that particpate in MPI-IO during checkpointing and diagnostic outputs. Acceptable values fall in the range [1,nprow], with a default value of 1.


Number of digits to use for all integer-based filenames (e.g., G_Avgs/00000001). The default value is 8.


Number of digits for integer-based checkpoint names to be read during a restart. The default value is 8.


Number of digits to use after then decimal point for those portions of Rayleigh’s text output that displayed in scientific notation. The default value is 3.


This namelist is described in extensive detail in Rayleigh/post_processing/Diagnostic_Plotting.ipynb. Please see that document for a discussion of these namelist variables and the general structure of Rayleigh’s output.

Boundary Conditions

This namelist provides those options necessary to determine the boundary conditions employed in a Rayleigh model.


Logical flag indicating whether thermal variable (T,S) should be fixed on the upper boundary. Default = .true.


Logical flag indicating whether thermal variable (T,S) should be fixed on the lower boundary. Default = .true.


Logical flag indicating whether the radial derivative of thermal variable (T,S) should be fixed on the upper boundary. Default = .false.


Logical flag indicating whether the radial derivative of thermal variable (T,S) should be fixed on the lower boundary. Default = .false.


Value of thermal variable (T,S) at the upper boundary. Default = 0.


Value of thermal variable (T,S) at the lower boundary. Default = 1.


Value of radial derivative of thermal variable (T,S) at the upper boundary. Default = 0.


Value of radial derivative of thermal variable (T,S) at the lower boundary. Default = 0.


Logical flag indicating that dTdr_top should be set based on the values of heating_integral (or luminosity) and the value of dTdr_bottom. Default value is .false. When .true., this flag only has an effect when fix_dtdr_top = .true. and heating_type > 0. When active, dTdr_top is set such that the integrated flux passing through the upper boundary is equal to the sum of those due to internal heating and any flux passing through the lower boundary due to fixed dTdr_bottom.


When .true., a no-slip condition on the horizontal velocity field is enforced at the upper boundary. Default = .false.


When .true., a no-slip condition on the horizontal velocity field is enforced at the lower boundary. Default = .false.


When .true., a stress-free condition on the horizontal velocity field is enforced at the upper boundary. Default = .true.


When .true., a stress-free condition on the horizontal velocity field is enforced at the lower boundary. Default = .true.


When .true., both no_slip_top and no_slip_bottom are set to .false. Default = .false.


In some cases, typically rotating models employing MHD or thick shells, angular momentum can leak into/out of the domain even when using stree-free boundaries. When .true., this flag replaces the upper boundary condition with an integral constraint on the \(\ell=1\) toroidal streamfunction that enforces strict conservation of angular momentum. Note that the upper boundary is neither stress-free nor no-slip in this case. Default = .false.


Generic-input file containing a custom, fixed (T,S) upper boundary condition.


Generic-input file containing a custom, fixed (T,S) lower boundary condition.


Generic-input file containing a custom, fixed (\(\partial T/\partial r\), \(\partial S/\partial r\)) upper boundary condition.


Generic-input file containing a custom, fixed (\(\partial T/\partial r\), \(\partial S/\partial r\)) lower boundary condition.


Generic-input file containing a custom upper boundary condition for the poloidal flux function C.


Generic-input file containing a custom lower boundary condition for the poloidal flux function C.

Initial Conditions

All variables necessary to initialize velocity, temperature, pressure, and magnetic field are supplied here.

Integer value indicating how nonmagnetic variables should be initialized.
  • type -1: Restart from a checkpoint

  • type 1: Hydro Boussinesq benchmark init (Christensen et al. 2001). The temperature field is initialized with an \(\ell=4\) , m=4 perturbation on top of a conductive profile. Velocity/pressure are zero.

  • type 6: Hydro anelastic benchmark init (Jones et al. 2011). The entropy field is initialized with an \(\ell=19\) , m=19 and \(\ell=1\) , m=1 perturbation on top of a conductive profile. Velocity/pressure are zero.

  • type 7: A randomized temperature/entropy field is initialized. Velocity and pressure are set to zero.

  • type 8: Velocity, entropy/temperature, and pressure are initialized to zero, or if an associated filename is provided, they are initialized using the generic input interface.

Integer value indicating how magnetic field should be initialized.
  • type -1: Initialize magnetic field from a checkpoint.

  • type 1: Magnetic initialization for Christensen et al. (2001), case 1. The poloidal flux function is initialized using an \(\ell=1,m=0\) mode. THe toroidal flux function is initialized with an \(\ell=2,m=0\) mode.

  • type 7: The poloidal and toroidal flux functions are initialized to randomized values.

  • type 8: The poloidal and toroidal flux functions are intialized to zero, and then if a corresponding generic input file is specified, their initial state is read from that file.


Iteration number indicating the checkpoint to restart from when init_type and magnetic_init_type equal 1.


Amplitude of randomized temperature/entropy perturbations to use with init_type = 7.


Amplitude of randomized magnetic perturbations to use with magnetic_init_type = 7.


Name of generic input file that, if init_type=8, will be used to initialize temperature/entropy.


Name of generic input file that, if init_type=8, will be used to initialize pressure.


Name of generic input file that, if init_type=8, will be used to initialize the poloidal stream function W.


Name of generic input file that, if init_type=8, will be used to initialize the toroidal stream function Z.


Name of generic input file that, if init_type=8, will be used to initialize the poloidal stream function C.


Name of generic input file that, if init_type=8, will be used to initialize the toroidal stream function A.


Logical variable indicating that the velocity field should be rescaled upon restart. Default = .false.


Factor by which to rescale the velocity field upon restart.


Logical variable indicating that the pressure field should be rescaled upon restart. Default = .false.


Factor by which to rescale the pressure field upon restart.


Logical variable indicating that the temperature/entropy field should be rescaled upon restart. Default = .false.


Factor by which to rescale the temperature/entropy field upon restart.


Logical variable indicating that the magnetic field should be rescaled upon restart. Default = .false.


Factor by which to rescale the magnetic field upon restart.


This namelist provides options to control the properties of Rayleigh’s background state.

Determines the fluid approximation and background state used by Rayleigh.
  • type 1: Boussinesq + nondimensional

  • type 2: Anelastic + polytropic background state (dimensional)

  • type 3: Anelastic + polytropic background state (non-dimensional)

  • type 4: Custom reference-state (read from file)


The polytropic index used to describe the background state for reference types 2 and 3.


Number of density scaleheights spanning the interval \(r_\mathrm{min}\le r\le r_\mathrm{max}\) for reference types 2 and 3.


Mass interior to \(r_\mathrm{min}\), used in defining the polytropic reference state for reference types 2 and 3.


Specifies the value of density at the inner boundary \(r=r_\mathrm{min}\) for the polytropic reference states of reference types 2 and 3.


Determines the value of the specific heat at constant pressure, \(c_\mathrm{p}\) for reference types 2 and 3.

Integer value that determines the form of the internal heating function \(Q(r)\). The default value is 0, which indicates no internal heating is used. Allowable types are
  • type 1: \(Q(r)\propto\overline{\rho}(r)\overline{T}(r)\).

  • type 4: \(Q(r)\) is a constant function of radius.


Determines the heating normalization \(L\), defined such that \(L=4\pi\int_{r_\mathrm{min}}^{r_\mathrm{max}} Q(r) r^2 dr\).


Same as heating_integral. If both are specified, the value of heating_integral will be used.


Determines the frame rotation rate \(\Omega\) for rotating models employing reference type 2.


Sets the value of the Rayleigh number Ra for reference type 1.


Sets the value of the Ekman number Ek for reference types 1 and 3.


Sets the value of the Prandtl number Pr for reference types 1 and 3.


Sets the value of the magnetic Prandtl number Pm for reference types 1 and 3.


Sets the value of the dissipationg number Di for reference type 3.


Sets the value of the modified Rayleigh number \(Ra^*\) for reference type 3.


Specifies the value of n (real number) used to determine the radial variation of gravitational acceleration g in reference type 1, where \(g\propto\left(\frac{r}{r_\mathrm{max}}\right)^n\).


Indicates the desired value of specified constant coefficients when reading the value from main_input instead of from a custom-refernce file. For use with override_constants or override_constant flags. Syntax is:

 ra_constants( 2) = 1.0
 ra_constants(10) = 14.0

Comma separated list of integers indicating which constant coefficients should be read from a custom-refernce file when with_custom_reference is true.


Comma separated list of integers indicating which non-constant coefficients should be read from a custom-refernce file when with_custom_reference is true.


Logical flag that indicates some constant and non-constant coefficients should be read from a custom-reference file and used to overwrite those values otherwise assigned for reference_Types 1–3. Default value is .false.


Name of file from which to read custom-reference-state information when using reference_type 4 or when augmenting reference types 1–3.


When true, ALL constant coefficients specified in the custom-reference file will be ignored, and those specified in main_input will be used instead. Constant coefficients not specified in main_input will be assigned a value of zero. Default value is .false.


Indicates that particular constant coefficients, rather than all, should be overridden using main_input values when using reference_type 4. Multiple constant overrides can be specified, one per line, with the syntax:

 override_constant( 2) = T
 override_constant(10) = T


This namelist enables control of Rayleigh’s diffusivities.

Determines the radial profile of the associated diffusion coefficient.
  • type 1 : no radial variation

  • type 2 : diffusivity profile varies as \(\rho^{n}\) for some real number n.

  • type 3 : diffusivity profile is read from a custom-reference-state file

Specifies the value of the associated diffusion coefficient at the upper boundary. This is primarily used for dimensional models or those employing a custom nondimensionalization via Rayleigh’s custom-reference interface. For Rayleigh’s intrinsic nondimensional reference states, the following values are assumed:
  • reference_type 1: \(\nu_\mathrm{top}=1\), \(\kappa_\mathrm{top}=1/\mathrm{Pr}\), \(\eta_\mathrm{top}=1/\mathrm{Pm}\)

  • reference_type 3: \(\nu_\mathrm{top}=\mathrm{Ek}\), \(\kappa_\mathrm{top}=\mathrm{Ek}/\mathrm{Pr}\), \(\eta_\mathrm{top}=\mathrm{Ek}/\mathrm{Pm}\)


Denotes the value of the exponent n in the \(\rho^{n}\) variation associated with diffusion type 2.

Set this to variable to .true. to enable hyperdiffusion. The default value is .false. When active, diffusivities are multiplied by an additional factor such that:
  • \(\{\nu,\kappa,\eta\}\rightarrow\{\nu,\kappa,\eta\}\left(1+\alpha\left(\frac{\ell-1}{\ell_\mathrm{max}-1}\right)^\beta\right)\)


Determines the value of \(\alpha\) when hyper diffusion is active.


Determines the value of \(\beta\) when hyper diffusion is active.