Compiling and Installing Rayleigh

A detailed explanation of the installation process may be found in the root directory of the code repository at:


We provide an abbreviated version of those instructions here.

Third-Party Dependencies

In order to compile Rayleigh, you will need to have MPI (Message Passing Interface) installed along with a Fortran 2003-compliant compiler. Rayleigh has been successfully compiled with GNU, Intel, IBM, AOCC, and Cray compilers (PGI has not been tested yet). Rayleigh’s configure script provides native support for the Intel, GNU, AOCC, and Cray compilers. See Rayleigh/INSTALL for an example of configuration using the IBM compiler.

Rayleigh depends on the following third party libraries:

  1. BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms)

  2. LAPACK (Linear Algebra PACKage)

  3. FFTW 3.x (Fastest Fourier Transform in the West)

You will need to install these libraries before compiling Rayleigh. If you plan to run Rayleigh on Intel processors, we suggest installing Intel’s Math Kernel Library (MKL) in lieu of installing these libraries individually. The Math Kernel Library provides optimized versions of BLAS, LAPACK, and FFTW. It has been tuned, by Intel, for optimal performance on Intel processors. At the time of this writing, MKL is provided free of charge. You may find it here.


Rayleigh is compiled using the standard Linux installation scheme of configure/make/make-install. From within the Rayleigh directory, run these commands:

  1. ./configure – See Rayleigh/INSTALL or run ./configure –help to see relevant options.

  2. make – This produces the code. You can run make -j to build several files in parallel and speed up the build this way.

  3. make install – This places the Rayleigh executables in Rayleigh/bin. If you would like to place them in (say) /home/my_rayleigh/bin, run configure as: ./configure –prefix=/home/my_rayleigh, i.e., the executables will be placed in the $(prefix)/bin directory.

For most builds, two executables will be created: rayleigh.opt and rayleigh.dbg. Use them as follows:

  1. When running production jobs, use rayleigh.opt.

  2. If you encounter an unexpected crash and would like to report the error, rerun the job with rayleigh.dbg. This version of the code is compiled with debugging symbols. It will (usually) produce meaningful error messages in place of the gibberish that is output when rayleigh.opt crashes.

If configure detects the Intel compiler, you will be presented with a number of choices for the vectorization option. If you select all, rayleigh.opt will not be created. Instead, rayleigh.sse, rayleigh.avx, etc. will be placed in Rayleigh/bin. This is useful if running on a machine with heterogeneous node architectures (e.g., Pleiades). If you are not running on such a machine, pick the appropriate vectorization level, and rayleigh.opt will be compiled using that vectorization level.

The default behavior of the make command is to build both the optimized, rayleigh.opt, and the debug versions, rayleigh.dbg. As described above, if Intel is used and all is selected, every version will be compiled. To build only a single version, the target=<target> option may be used at the make stage, for example:

  1. make target=opt - build only the optimized version, rayleigh.opt

  2. make target=dbg - build only the debug version, rayleigh.dbg

  3. make target=avx - build only the AVX version, rayleigh.avx

When building a single target, the final name of the executable can be changed with the output=<output> option during the make install command. For example, to build the optimized version and name the executable a.out:

  1. make target=opt - only build the optimized version

  2. make target=opt output=a.out install - install the optimized version as a.out

Inspection of the $(prefix)/bin directory (specified at configure time with the -prefix option) will show a new file named a.out.

If both the optimized version and the debug version have already been built, they can be renamed at install time as:

  1. make - build both optimized and debug version (or all versions)

  2. make target=opt output=a.out.opt install - install and rename the optimized version

  3. make target=dbg output=a.out.dbg install - install and rename the debug version

The output option is only respected when a particular target is specified. Running make output=a.out install will install all rayleigh.* executables, they will not be renamed.

Verifying Your Installation

Rayleigh comes with a benchmarking mode that helps you verify that the installation is performing correctly. If you are running Rayleigh for the first time, or running on a new machine, follow along with the example in §Running a Benchmark, that you receive an accurate benchmark report before running a custom model.

Alternative: Installation using Spack

Spack is a package management tool designed to support multiple versions and configurations of software on a wide variety of platforms and environments. It can be used to build Rayleigh with different compilers and a custom set of libraries for MPI, LAPACK, and FFTW. It can automatically build dependencies itself or use those provided by the HPC environment.

To set up Spack in your environment follow the instructions in the documentation. Add local compilers and packages as desired.

The next step has only to be performed once to add the Rayleigh package repository. Run this from the base directory of the Rayleigh repository.

spack repo add spack-repo

Afterwards you can just install Rayleigh and its dependencies using:

spack install rayleigh

Once the build succeeded the package can be loaded using the following command, which will make the rayleigh.opt and rayleigh.dbg executables available in the PATH and can be run to start simulations as usual.

spack load rayleigh

There are many ways in which to modify the compiler and dependencies being used. They can be found in the Spack documentation.

As an example you can install Rayleigh using MKL for LAPACK and FFTW using:

spack install rayleigh ^intel-mkl

To see the dependencies being installed you can use:

spack spec rayleigh ^intel-mkl