Custom reference state for the dimensional anelastic MHD formulation in a convective spherical shell based on polytropes#

Problem Setup#

We define the reference state of the convective region based on a polytrope that has a form given by

\(\rho=\rho_0 z^n\),

\(P=P_0 z^{n+1}\),


\(T=T_0 z\),

where \(\rho\), \(P\), and \(T\) are the density, pressure, and temperature respectively, and where the polytropic variable \(z\) is an as-of-yet undetermined function of radius. We further assume that these quantities are related by the ideal gas law, with

\(P=R\rho T\),

where \(R\) is the gas constant. It is related to the specific heats at constant pressure (\(c_p\)) and contant volume (\(c_v\)) through the relation



\(\gamma\equiv \frac{c_p}{c_v}\).

For a monotomic ideal gas, we have that

\(\gamma\equiv \frac{5}{3}\).

Finally, we require that the polytrope satisfies hydrostatic balance. Namely,

\(\rho\frac{GM}{r^2}=-\frac{\partial P}{\partial r}\),

where \(G\) is the gravitational constant, and \(M\) is the mass of the star.

Polytropic Solution#

Substituting our relations for \(P\), \(\rho\), and \(T\) into the equation of hydrostatic balance, we arive at

\(\frac{\partial z}{\partial r}= - \frac{GM}{(n+1)RT_0 r^2} = - \frac{2GM}{5(n+1)c_pT_0 r^2}\) .

This motivates us to seek a form for \(z\) of

\(z = a +\frac{b}{r}\),

and immediately, we see that b must be given by

\(b = \frac{2GM}{5(n+1)c_pT_0}\).

Note that while \(T_0\) remains undetermined, we can now compute \(\partial T/\partial r\). In order to determine \(a\), we need one more constraint. In our case, we will specify the number of density scaleheights, \(N_\rho\), across the convection zone. We denote the top of the convection zone by a subscript \(t\) and the base of the convection zone by a subscript \(b\). We then have \(N_\rho = \frac{ \rho_b }{ \rho_t } = \frac{z_b^n}{z_t^n}\),

or equivalently, using \(C\) to denote the exponential factor, and \(\beta \equiv \frac{r_b}{r_t}\), we have

\(C\equiv e^{\frac{N_\rho}{n}} = \frac{a+b/r_b}{a+b/r_t}\).

Rearranging, we find our expression for \(a\)

\(a = \frac{fb}{r_b}\),


\(f \equiv \frac{\beta C-1}{1-C}\).

This yields our expression for \(z\) in terms of \(T_0\)

\(z = b (\frac{1}{r} +\frac{f}{r_b} )= \frac{2GM}{5(n+1)c_pT_0}\left(\frac{1}{r} +\frac{f}{r_b} \right)\).

Factors of \(T_0\) cancel out, when calculating the temperature, leaving us with a complete description of its functional form. We are free to choose any value of \(T_0\) as a result; we use \(T_b\), the temperature at the base of the convection zone. We have that

\(T_0 = T_b = \frac{2GM}{5(n+1)c_p}\left(\frac{1+f}{r_b}\right)\),

completing our description of z. Values for \(\rho_0\) and \(P_0\) can now similarly be computed by enforcing the value of \(\rho\) and \(P\) as a particular point. As with \(T\), we choose the base of the convection zone in the code that follows.

[ ]:
import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.pyplot import plot, draw, show

import os, sys
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('../../'))

import post_processing.reference_tools as rt # You will need the to run this notebook
import post_processing.rayleigh_diagnostics as rdiag
[ ]:
# Grid Parameters
# Here, we use solar values as an example

nr    = 512         # Number of radial points
ri    = 5e10        # Inner boundary of radial domain
ro    = 6.586e10    # Outer boundary of radial domain
rcz   = 5e10        # base of the CZ

#apsect ratio

#Polytrope Parameters
ncz   = 1.5         # polytropic index of convection zone
nrho  = 3.          # number of density scaleheights across convection zone (not full domain)
mass  = 1.98891e33  # Mass of the star
G     = 6.67e-8     # gravitational constant
rhoi  = 0.18053428  # density at the base of convection zone
cp    = 3.5e8        # specific heat at constant pressure
gamma = 5.0/3.0     # Ratio of specific heats for ideal gas

lsun = 3.846e33     # solar luminosity for scaling the volumetric heating
[ ]:
radius = numpy.linspace(ri,ro,nr)           #Radial domain of the CZ

[ ]:
#Compute a  CZ polytrope (see reference_tools)

poly1 = rt.gen_poly(radius,ncz,nrho,mass,rhoi,G,cp,rcz)
gas_constant = cp*(1.0-1.0/gamma)  # R

temperature= poly1.temperature # temperature T
density = poly1.density  # density rho
pressure = poly1.pressure # pressure P, this won't matter -- set it equal to something
dsdr = poly1.entropy_gradient # dS/dr
entropy= poly1.entropy # entropy S, this won't matter -- set it equal to something
dpdr = poly1.pressure_gradient # dP/dr
gravity= mass*G/radius**2  # gravity g
[ ]:
# Calculation of the first and second derivative of lnrho and the first derivative of lnT.
# If we do not calculate those here, then they are calculated within Rayleigh!

d_density_dr = numpy.gradient(density,radius, edge_order=2)
dlnrho = d_density_dr/density
d2lnrho = numpy.gradient(dlnrho,radius, edge_order=2)
dtdr = numpy.gradient(temperature,radius, edge_order =2)
dlnt = dtdr/temperature
[ ]:
# Plots of  the dimensional reference state profiles, i.e. the density profile, the temperature profile, etc.

fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows =3,ncols = 3, figsize=(15,10) )



ax[1][0].set_ylabel('Entropy Gradient')






[ ]:
# Calculation of the heating profile based on the pressure, if we want to have a heating function in our setup.

hprofile = numpy.zeros(nr,dtype='float64')
hprofile[:] = pressure[:]

# We normalize the heating function so that it integrates to 1.

integrand= numpy.pi*4*radius*radius*hprofile
hint = numpy.trapz(integrand,x=radius)
hprofile = hprofile/hint
plt.plot(radius, hprofile*lsun)

[ ]:
my_ref = rt.equation_coefficients(radius)
[ ]:
# Here we define all the functions and constants that will be written in our data file and
# read by Rayleigh if we choose the custom reference state (=4)

unity = numpy.ones(nr,dtype='float64')
buoy =density*gravity/cp # calculation of the buoyancy term used in the momentum equation

my_ref.set_function(density,1) # density rho
my_ref.set_function(buoy,2)    # buoyancy term
my_ref.set_function(unity,3)   # nu(r) -- can be overwritten via nu_type in Rayleigh
my_ref.set_function(temperature,4) # temperature T
my_ref.set_function(unity,5)  # kappa(r) -- works like nu
my_ref.set_function(hprofile,6)  # heating -- this is normalized to one

my_ref.set_function(dlnrho,8)  # dlnrho/dr
my_ref.set_function(d2lnrho,9) # d^2lnrho/dr^2
my_ref.set_function(dlnt,10)   # dlnT/dr
my_ref.set_function(unity,7)  # eta -- works like nu and kappa --  magnetic diffusivity
my_ref.set_function(dsdr,14)   # dS/dr

# The constants can all be set/overridden in the input file
# NOTE that they default to ZERO, but we want
# most of them to be UNITY.
# These aren't very useful in the dimensional anelastic formulation but are VERY useful
# for the non-dimensional version of the anelastic custom reference state!

my_ref.set_constant(1.0,1)  # multiplies the Coriolis force--Should be 2 Omega (complication here)
my_ref.set_constant(1.0,2)  # multiplies buoyancy
my_ref.set_constant(1.0,3)  # multiplies pressure gradient
my_ref.set_constant(0.0,4)  # multiplies lorentz force
my_ref.set_constant(1.0,5)  # multiplies viscosity
my_ref.set_constant(1.0,6)  # multiplies entropy diffusion (kappa)
my_ref.set_constant(0.0,7)  # multiplies eta in induction equation
my_ref.set_constant(1.0,8)  # multiplies viscous heating
my_ref.set_constant(1.0,9)  # multiplies ohmic heating
my_ref.set_constant(lsun,10) # multiplies the heating (if normalized to 1, this should be the luminosity)
my_ref.write('dimensional.dat')  # Here we write our data file to be used to run our simulation with Rayleigh!
[ ]:
# Once you've run for one time step, set have_run = True !!

# Here we check if the output reference state is the same as the one we used as an input (sanity check)

# NOTE: We need the output file "equation_coefficients" to run this, as well as the PDE_Coefficients
# from

    cref = rdiag.PDE_Coefficients() # This will give us the output reference state
    have_run = True
    have_run = False

if (have_run):

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=3,nrows=4, figsize=(16,4*4))
    # density, derivatives of lnrho
    ax[0][0].set_xlabel('Radius (cm)')

    ax[0][1].plot(cref.radius, cref.dlnrho,'yo')
    ax[0][1].plot(radius, dlnrho)
    ax[0][1].set_xlabel('Radius (cm)')
    ax[0][1].set_title('Log density gradient')

    ax[0][2].set_xlabel('Radius (cm)')
    ax[0][2].set_title('d_dr{Log density gradient}')

    # temperature and derivative of lnT
    ax[1][0].set_xlabel('Radius (cm)')

    ax[1][1].plot(cref.radius, cref.dlnT,'yo')
    ax[1][1].plot(radius, dlnt)
    ax[1][1].set_xlabel('Radius (cm)')
    ax[1][1].set_title('Log temperature gradient')

    # entropy gradient
    ax[2][1].plot(cref.radius, cref.dsdr,'yo')
    ax[2][1].plot(radius, dsdr,'b')
    ax[2][1].set_xlabel('Radius (cm)')
    ax[2][1].set_title('Entropy gradient')

    # Note that you must build the buoyancy term from the functions/constants
    ax[3][1].plot(cref.radius, cref.functions[:,1]*cref.constants[1],'yo')
    ax[3][1].plot(radius, gravity*density/cp)
    ax[3][1].set_xlabel('Radius (cm)')

    # Note that the output heating (cref.heating) is hprofile/density/temperature*luminosity
    ax[3][2].plot(cref.radius, cref.heating*cref.rho*cref.T,'yo')
    ax[3][2].plot(radius, hprofile*lsun)
    ax[3][2].set_xlabel('Radius (cm)')


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